The best ways to advertise blogs

A simple guide that shows you how to advertise blogs.

Social Media

Once you publish your article, its a good idea to share it on your social media platforms.

Share on your Facebook page, Facebook groups and on your personal profile.

Facebook is not the only one, you can also share on Twitter, Promote on Instagram or Linkedin.


Forums have been one of my favourite traffic sources and is very effective if you know how to do it right.

Here’s what you do

Join relevant forums in your niche and fill out your personal details(upload a nice profile picture and fill out your bio details.

Next, start answering relevant questions asked by other forum members.

I suggest you answer 3 to 5 daily to quickly build your authority and write quality answers too.

Here and there you can link to your article in your answers.

If people like your answers, they click on your links to go to your site.

Thats how you get your name out there through Forums.

Plus did j mention, the traffic you get is warm, and can buy from you right away if you sell stuff.

Promote Though Youtube

Anyone can start a Youtube channel for free.

Its easier to rank videos than blog posts.

Start a Youtube channel and start uploading content on the Platform regularly to get your subscribers and viewership up, a good chunk of your suscribers will visit your blog to learn more or buy from you.

All you do is link to your blog posts or pages in your Youtube description.

Paid traffic methods

You can drive traffic through Ads

Ads can drive traffic to your website when you need it. You can try Facebook Ads or Pinterest Ads.

Google and Bing also run ads, but they are costly iam not going to lie.

If you can’t afford paid ads, Social Media and Forums are your top choices in advertising blogs.

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